Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Maybe I Should Rename This Blog...

Because it is less a blog than a website I periodically update and overload with tons of pictures of my kids. Ah well, that's what the masses (aka the fam and friends, most of whom are back east) demand. So I guess I'll just give you what you want.First off, let's see some teeth! Yes, TEETH! Teagan got her second tooth a few days after her first, and she's been happily exploring all the new tricks she can do with those chompers. There's a part of me that's excited but there's also a part that's really sad that my baby has lost her gummy little newborn smile. There are days when I look at her and think, "When on earth did you become such a big big girl? What happened to my teensy tiny babe who nuzzled up on my chest, smelling like that scent that only newborns have?" But Teagan is seriously such a fun little girl. She loves her big brother with a ferocity that is apparent every time he enters her line of vision. She loves to get down on the floor and play, rolling around to get to the toys she's aiming for. I sometimes forget that she wants, that she NEEDS to get down and play. I'll hold her in my lap, snuggling or taking care of my own business, and she certainly reminds me that she wants to be down, that she needs her busy play time.Here are a few more gratuitous Teagan shots just because she's so adorable. I just want to gobble up those little cheeks...i kiss them manymanymany times each day. (I think she looks like a little elf in the previous picture. Agree?)

Not to be left out, here are some pictures of Kieran and Dada harvesting the first item from our tiny little garden in our back yard.I think Kieran was more excited about getting to use the scissors than he was to actually get the zucchini, which he quickly decided he does not like to eat.This picture was just too cute to pass up. What a cute kid, huh?
Here he is, in his element at my parents' house during our visit in July. Kieran LOVES their cats, especially Socksie, who is about as good of a cat as you could wish for when it comes to being patient with a two-year old who is learning not to pull tails...The East Coast sojourn in July was primarily so David and I could attend Maria and Oswaldo's wedding, and it was truly lovely. It was so very wonderful to see so many of my dearest friends, some of whom I haven't seen in such a long time. My sister, Aggie Becky, was wonderful enough to drive all the way up to Baltimore with the kids and I to babysit so David and I could actually go to the reception and be grown-ups. She even put BOTH kids to bed by herself without any crying. Seriously, there are nights I can't do that. I am just so lucky to have a sister who's awesome like that.
It was the first time in months since we'd been able to go out by ourselves, let alone get to hang out with our friends together. As you can see, it was clearly good for us.
These last two pictures are of me and my college roommate, Evelyn, whom I love dearly and miss so very much. Love you, roommate! Thank you, Becks, for making that lovely evening of fun and reminiscing possible. And all my wonderful Hokie women, I love you and miss you so very much. Here's to hoping we'll be much closer in the future.


Anonymous said...

And those of us that are even further east love love the photo updates too... Am proud of your and David's nascent self-sufficiency- its a big deal here to have an allotment, or vegetable patch. I have an apple tree which loves the cool English summer. Was wearing a scarf yesterday- no kidding...

VeganLinda said...

Love all the pictures and I just saw you last weekend. :-) I love your dress! Lucky you for having some grown up time...that always ends up with another pregnancy for us. :-)

VeganLinda said...

Just noticed T's it!

Loretta said...

David has wanted to have a garden for a long, long time. He has had such a good time this year watching his plants grow and thinking about how he wanted to use his vegetables. He is already planning how he's going to do things differently next year. The weather has also been mild here (a pleasant surprise!). We haven't had to turn on our a/c for more than about 10 days the entire summer. It has been lovely!

That's exactly how Teagan ended up here. :) My sister came to babysit at another wedding (David and I were both in it so we really needed someone to take care of K. then), and the hotel screwed up our reservation so we ended up with two rooms. We wised up this time and only got one hotel room for the five of us...