Monday, April 16, 2007

A Sad Day for Hokies Everywhere

This picture was taken on a happier day than this for, as many of you now know, today there was a massive tragedy at our alma mater, Virginia Tech. We (mom and dad--fortunately, Baby KRUF isn't aware of what's going on) sit here in the middle of the cornfields of Illinois, absolutely shocked at this event that took place in the place that I (Loretta) still consider to be my home.

Our thoughts are with the campus and community (and to be honest, our hearts never left the 'Burg) as they, and Hokies throughout the world, deal with this horrific event.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter from the KRUF Bunny

Just a quick note hoping you all had a happy day!

We had a good one, especially Kieran, who is enjoying his new Easter books, particularly the one that quacks like a duck. And, believe it or not, he kept those ears on for quite a while today. I guess he likes to look like a cute little bunny!

Those bunny ears have a fun little story behind them: Last year when I was pregnant with KRUF, David and I bought those ears hoping that our little guy would arrive in time to wear them for Easter 2006. He didn't--and he made us wait quite a while after Easter for him!--so we had to pack them away with everything for this year. I'm just glad I remembered to get them out (and knew where they were!) in time for some ADORABLE pictures this year.

Much love to you all!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Title: Pen on Tablet

A KRUF Masterpiece?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

KRUF Loves the snow

This one's for you, Papa. It's just a couple of months late... :)